Meet the regulatory requirements of the New Zealand and Australian generation markets with Rapid Capture and Control (RCC), which uses Schneider Electric's high-end power meters and ION software to deliver a comprehensive solution.
Rapid Capture & Control provides two functions:
How RCC Works
Rapid Capture & Control combines high-speed monitoring and recording and presents this in graphical format along with raw data.
Frequency triggers are sampled at high-speed every ½ cycle to initiate an event capture. A voltage sag/swell will also trigger a data capture, in Rapid Capture & Control Advanced.
At the conclusion of the event, the event capture report is sent via email. Multiple events can be stored on the meter in the short-term should email communications be interrupted.
Frequency triggers are sampled at high-speed every ½ cycle to initiate an event capture. A voltage sag/swell will also trigger a data capture, in Rapid Capture & Control Advanced.
At the conclusion of the event, the event capture report is sent via email. Multiple events can be stored on the meter in the short-term should email communications be interrupted.
A Rapid Capture & Control Report includes:
- High resolution capture of Power, Voltage and Current against Frequency or Voltage*
- Low resolution capture of Power, Voltage and Current against Frequency or Voltage*
- High and low resolution summary of event capture
Rapid Capture & Control Features
Rapid Capture & Control is available in Standard and Advanced versions.
These features are available in both versions:
These features are available in both versions:
Parameters Recorded
A range of parameters are recorded including Frequency, kW total, kvar total, kVA total, VII ab, VII bc, VII ca, I a, I b and I c. Additional parameters are available in the Advanced version (see below).
Rate of Change
The capture of events can be governed by whether the rate of change exceeds a configurable rate. An example of the typical rate of change is 0.05Hz/sec
Manual Capture
Manual captures can be used to perform studies of generator performance in terms of spinning reserve response or for a load shed capability assessment.
Initiation can be from the front panel of the meter, a user with the ION software, via a digital input from a PLC, or via DNP or Modbus communications from an RTU. Rapid Capture & Control detects this manual capture and will perform in the same way as if it were triggered from an excursion. |
Power Quality Recording
Power Quality features of the ION meters can be utilised such as waveform recording, IEC-61000-4-30 reporting, and Harmonic analysis. These waveforms can then be viewed with the reporting features of the ION software.
The waveforms can be captured as an output from a Frequency related event, Voltage related event (in the Advanced version) or can be captured as the result from a Power Quality related event. |
Alert Emails
An alert email can immediately be sent to indicate events. A further email is also sent with the event capture report which charts the data and identifies whether the capture originated from a frequency event or manual capture, or a voltage event (available in the Advanced version).
No Volt Disable
Event capture can be disabled for instances when loss of voltage is detected. This prevents unnecessary events being recorded in instances such as a generator going offline.
Excursion Zoom
The excursion is highlighted on an additional set of charts, with much of the pre and post data removed to allow for greater clarity.
Support for Continuous Log Data
When retrieving data for the low resolution capture and summary, if the data was not able to be found for the meter, and the continuous log is running for this meter, the report will use the continuous log data.
Advanced Version Features
Rapid Capture & Control Advanced includes the standard features listed above and also the below additional features:
Parameters Recorded
The Advanced version also records V1 THD, V2 THD, V3 THD and V unbal.
Multi-meter Aggregation
Data can be aggregated from multiple ION meters equipped with Rapid Capture & Control, to provide a total system or station response to the event.
Voltage Trigger
Voltage (Sag/Swell) will generate an event and report, in addition to under/over Frequency.